A woman’s risk of depression rises as she moves towards her menopause transition and the research points to a significant hormonal trigger for this change. Women can start to experience changes to their hormone production in their early to mid 40s, even if they continue to cycle regularly. In this episode I review what’s happening…
Category: Uncategorized
Does your eating have to change as you age? Interview with Dr. Jennifer Salib Huber RD, ND
In this episode I’m joined by Registered Dietician and Naturopathic Doctor Jennifer Salib Huber to talk about the challenges women face over 40 with nutrition, weight management and their relationship with food. We talk about the type of diets that create challenges for women as they age, the mindset that women need to have towards…
Create calm. Supporting your health to reduce your symptoms of anxiety. Interview with Dr. Katie Thomson Aitken ND.
How calm is your life? Are you intentionally cultivating calm? Or is your anxiety owning your day? In this episode I am joined by a colleague Katie Thomson Aitken, a naturopathic Doctor Who has focussed exclusively on anxiety. Katie walks us through the five pillars of health to support anxiety and to reduce symptoms in…
Rethinking the impact alcohol has on women’s health. You need to ask yourself these hard questions. Interview with Dr. Erin Thorne ND.
In this episode I interview my colleague Dr. Erin Thorne ND who has created an entire career around supporting patients to rethink their relationship with alcohol. We discuss both of our paths to sobriety, and openly discuss some of the societal challenges facing women in the context of alcohol. She gives concrete ideas for how…
Is your mindset holding you back? Exploring the narratives we’ve learned from our family of origin. Interview with Dr. Shyamala Kiru.
Women’s mental health expert Dr. Shyamala Kiru joins me today for a critical conversation about how conversation traps, automatic thought patterns and imprinted learning from our family of origin shapes our ability to have high performance relationships. We explore the common communication traps that women use that aren’t serving them in their quest for health,…
PCOS in your 40s and beyond. Why making a past-diagnosis of PCOS is so important for the aging woman. Dr. Jordan Robertson ND.
Have you suffered from irregular cycles, acne and abdominal weight gain and are approaching perimenopause or menopause? The research on polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is often laser focused on the impact it has on fertility and miscarriage risk and often fails to emphasize how this complicated hormonal condition affects women over 40. Women who are…
Your teenage daughter’s mood might not be ‘hormonal’. Supporting the teen brain to thrive. Interview with Dr. Erin TeWinkel ND.
Is your teen girl moody because of her hormones? In this episode I interview Dr. Erin TeWinkel ND, a Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto who has focused her career on supporting the health of teens. We talk about the challenges facing the teen brain through puberty and adolescents, and why young females shouldn’t be labeled as…
Cramps aren’t normal. The impact of nutrition on menstrual pain and endometriosis. Dr. Jordan Robertson ND
The pain women experience with their monthly cycle is often considered a normal part of being a woman and rarely is addressed to the point of helping her live completely pain free. Menstrual cramps and endometriosis pain often become symptoms women ‘live with’ and we both under assess and under-treat women who have monthly pain…
Maternal age versus fertility. Are we having “the talk” with our women often enough? Interview with Dr. Tracy Malone ND.
In this episode I interview Dr. Tracy Malone ND, one of the founding partners of Conceive Health, the only Naturopathic Clinic embedded in a fertility clinic in all of North America. We openly talk about the challenges facing aging mothers-to-be as women delay childbearing to pursue school, careers and partnership. Women have tremendous opportunities to…
Menopause: from being swept under the carpet to the main stage. Interview with Shirley Weir from Menopause Chicks.
Shirley Weir knew she couldn’t be the only woman experiencing brain fog, poor concentration and mood changes at menopause. Instead of settling for what was offered, she turned her goals of feeling better into a passion project that is bringing the conversation about menopause to centre stage. Her online community Menopause Chicks has become a…