Does your eating have to change as you age? Interview with Dr. Jennifer Salib Huber RD, ND

Does your eating have to change as you age? Interview with Dr. Jennifer Salib Huber RD, ND

In this episode I’m joined by Registered Dietician and Naturopathic Doctor Jennifer Salib Huber to talk about the challenges women face over 40 with nutrition, weight management and their relationship with food. We talk about the type of diets that create challenges for women as they age, the mindset that women need to have towards their nutrition and practical tools women can use as they move towards their fourth and fifth decades of life. 

Jenn offers practical insight as to why women gain weight around perimenopause and how to move with your body instead of fighting against it. We have a discussion about the concepts of intuitive eating, and how diet restriction often leads to a ‘pendulum’ of significant restriction and then more binging behaviors. 

This is a great conversation about one of the most significant changes women experience as they age. Dr. Jenn Salib Huber offers an online program “The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Peri/Menopause” which is a 4-week program open to women in any stage of peri/menopause who are looking to regain confidence in their bodies and themselves. Jenn can be contacted here: or on instagram at @menopause.nutritionist